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5 Vaccines Retired Due to Tragic Consequences

Photo by New Africa from Shutterstock

5. 2010 porcine circovirus DNA detected in rotavirus vaccines

Animal tissues and other products are often used in the creation of many vaccines. Some of the products in question have been known to be contaminated with animal viruses. The perfect example of contaminated, dangerous vaccines is below.

In 2010, the manufacturers of the Rotatrix vaccine confirmed that DNA from a pig-related virus was present in the vaccine. Soon after, the manufacturers of the RotaTeq vaccine confirmed the same thing about their product.

While the virus was detected in stool samples of some children who got the vaccines, those same children showed no symptoms, and there was no evidence of a serological response, signaling a lack of infection with the virus.

The Food and Drug Administration suspended the administration of these potentially dangerous vaccines in the US.

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