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Eye Drop Recall: 27 Meds Thousands Took, Pulled From the Market

eye drop recall
Photo by brizmaker from Shutterstock

Symptoms of eye infections

Common symptoms of an eye infection include blurry vision, pain or discomfort, discharge, redness of the eyelid or eye, increased sensitivity to light, and feeling like there’s something in the eye.

If you’ve used any of the products found in the eye drop recall list and are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, make an appointment to see an eye care professional.

Contact lens wearers are at increased risk of infection

A common source of eye infections is contact lenses. According to experts, those who wear them are at increased risk of developing infections of the cornea, especially if they sleep with their lenses on.

To prevent and avoid eye infections, make sure you keep the lens case clean (and replace it when needed), wash your hands often (especially before touching your eyes or contacts), and take the lens out before sleep.

Less common eye infections are those spread from other areas of the body.

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