9 Disturbing Facts About Climate Change

Climate change is something we can’t escape!

It is now widely accepted that our planet is experiencing a significant increase in temperature, and it is a fact that we all have contributed to this climate change in one way or another. The earth’s temperature and climate are being affected by the burning of fossil fuels, the cutting down of trees, and the farming and raising of animals.

We’re all guilty of not taking care of our planet as it deserves. Today, we’re not here to lecture you about climate change. Instead, we want to share some of the most alarming facts about it that are true and terrifying.

climate change
Photo by Jan Martin Will from Shutterstock
  • More than 1 million animal species are going to go extinct

This is probably one of the saddest facts about global warming: animal extinction. Javan rhinos, two species of sea turtles, elephants, and Sumatran orangutans are just four animals that scientists believe will go extinct sooner than expected.

Currently, we’re losing up to 10,000 times as many species as we should be losing annually, which translates to the extinction of dozens of species every day.

  • 2023 was the warmest year

According to a recent analysis, 2023 saw temperatures that were 2.12 degrees Fahrenheit higher than the norm for the 20th century and higher than any year since records began in 1850. This sounds terrifying, doesn’t it?

And this isn’t all the information you need to know. To prevent all of the disastrous repercussions of global warming, immediate action is required. If nothing changes, there’s a chance that the world’s coral reefs may disappear entirely and that catastrophic heatwaves, droughts, and flooding will become more common.

  • Our oceans are slowly disappearing

Another fact about climate change that is also very sad is that our oceans are slowly dying. Starting with the disappearance of the Arctic Ocean, we will no longer see polar bears, penguins, whales, narwhals, and a lot of other animals.

The truth is that marine life faces a horrible time thanks to all the plastic waste that unfortunately ends up in the oceans every day. While some paper straws and recycled coffee cups won’t do wonders, small changes can lead to big ones! Let’s contribute together to a better future for us and future generations!

Furthermore, according to 2019 research, the seas absorbed 90% of the heat that the Earth received between 1971 and 2010. In 2020, it absorbed 20 sextillion joules of heat, the same as two Hiroshima bombs per second. That isn’t good! While the oceans can keep the heat inside them and a lot of organisms are used to the temperature, coral reefs are not so much, therefore many are now extinct. Half of the world’s coral reefs have perished in the last 30 years, thanks to the constant rise in temperatures.

…psst! Are you looking to help the environment and all you need is a cute recycled cup for your water, iced tea, or even coffee? I found one that looks nice, has thick walls, comes with a lid and a straw, and is also super affordable. Just $9.99 on Amazon. I got my own too a couple of weeks ago, but it was more expensive. So hurry up; they sell fast.

  • Greenhouse gas levels are huge

The earth’s temperature is rising because there are more greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere than ever before. The large amounts of CO2 in our atmosphere are a result of several factors, including the combustion of fossil fuels, transportation-related emissions, and the environmental effects of intensive farming.

And according to experts, this is the biggest and quickest rise in CO2 that the planet has ever experienced!

  • Less potable water will be available

This is another alarming fact about climate change that should raise a lot of questions regarding the future. If the Earth gets hotter and hotter, many glaciers will melt, and this is going to be very bad since around three-quarters of the freshwater supply is made of glaciers.

  • Hurricanes will be more intense

Hurricanes and storms are two red flags related to climate change. If a hurricane is scary now and you pray it won’t happen again, it will become even more intense in areas where it never occurred before. By 2100, for example, there will be a greater chance of decades-long “megadroughts” in several portions of the United States.

climate change
Photo by Lamyai from Shutterstock
  • It could become unbearable to live in certain places by the end of the century

Of all the data we know about climate change, this one may be the most frightening. Only 0.8% of the planet’s geographical area now experiences mean annual temperatures higher than 29°C, primarily in Saudi Arabia and the Sahara desert. Up to 3 billion people might be impacted if these intolerably high temperatures spread over the entire earth.

Can you imagine how it would be to have more than 120 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer? These unbearable temperatures will affect agriculture, we will have to spend more time indoors using air conditioning and of course, that will come together with huge electricity bills.

And with the horrible heat will also come a huge “wave” of mosquitoes and other creepy insects that are disease-carrying.

  • Is climate change reversible?

Have you ever thought about the possibility of changing the climate? What if we are capable of doing that? Let’s see what scientists say about this. The warmth we have generated would gradually reverse if global net emissions were completely stopped, but other climate-induced impacts would persist for decades or perhaps centuries. For instance, it would most likely take millennia for sea level rise to stop.

But it’s still worth a try, right?

  • The Earth is losing around 1.2 trillion tons of ice every year

Now this is very alarming! Oceans are slowly dying, tons of animal species are going to go extinct in the near future, and all because of climate change. According to various research studies, our planet is losing around 1.2 trillion tons of ice every year.

If these numbers scare you and are a bit difficult to understand, we have a simple explanation for them. All items created by humans weigh 1.1 trillion tons in total. That weighs almost the same as every living thing on the planet.

Do you want to contribute to a better planet? You can make a change if you do at least some of these simple things: 

Switch driving a car to ride a bike: One of the first things you can do to contribute to a better planet is to switch driving when possible ride a bike or if the time allows you to, simply walk. It’s more beneficial for your health and it costs you less money. For every mile you choose not to drive, you will save one pound of carbon dioxide!

Switch from regular light bulbs to compact fluorescent ones: This may sound unbelievable, but, it will save 150 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.

Recycle and reuse:  You know those plastic bottles you used to keep under the sink or in the pantry? Don’t throw them away; instead, opt for recycling. According to a study, you can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide per year by recycling stuff from your home.

Curious about other science-related topics? I have a nice suggestion for you These 7 Frightening Things Might Actually End the World, Scientists Say


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