Airplanes Aren’t as Safe as You Think: 8 Jaw-Dropping Facts That Will Have You Nervous
Ah, air travel. Something about airplanes and flying evokes deep, existential dread in many of us. Sitting in a cramped space with no escape route is thrilling. All you can do is hope that those tiny engines were properly serviced and are not going to stop working, while you are flying among the clouds. Oh, and there’s one more thing! The turbulence. Can we all admit that it is just a fancy word for ”please, dear God, let us land soon”?
That shaking and rolling sensation makes us clutch terrified in our seats. What if I tell you that even though they seem like announcing the end of the world, turbulence is one of the most insignificant problems while flying? You are flying in a constantly moving atmosphere and, in reality, there is nothing to be scared of.
Flying is one of the most life-changing experiences out there. Just like magic, in a few hours, you can fly around the globe and discover new places and cultures. That excitement of a new destination and the adrenaline offered by a new adventure is what keeps us optimistic about flying. Those sweaty palms and stomach churns become easier to manage when we think about our destination. Whether we travel for a vacation, a family reunion, or an important business trip, airplane travel is the lifeblood of modern transportation.

However, even though we love traveling, there is something about airplane journeys that can feel like stepping into the unknown. The idea of being stuck in the air, far from the ground, and the small chances of survival in case of an emergency are making a lot of people stay away from traveling. But wait! Before you cancel your upcoming trip, please remember that flying is significantly safer than driving!
I know, you might often find yourself scanning the faces of the flight attendants, trying to determine if there is any reason to worry about. But trust me, they are not nervous! They’ve seen it all. Also, the last thing they want to do is to alarm the entire airplane. So, even though you might be going through a hard time or an emergency, the flight attendants will still be the ones to smile. Is it scary? Yeah, maybe a little bit.
Now that you know that flying is way safer than driving, you should also know that, in this article, we’ll focus on the things that make us rethink whether flying is a good idea or not. We’re going to discuss the juicy facts. So, continue reading to find out the secrets airlines don’t want you to know. Get your seatbelts fastened because…we are ready for departure!

Top 8 Terrifying Facts About Airplanes
1. Pilots can fall asleep
Have you ever thought about the fact that even pilots can fall asleep? Even though there are strict protocols to prevent this situation, there were cases where pilots simply felt too tired and used the autopilot system. Oh, before you freak out, you should know that commercial planes are equipped with special systems that can alert the cabin crew in case of an emergency.
We can all admit that boredom at work is one of the most common issues people face. In 2012, the European Cockpit Association did research and discovered that 3 out of 5 pilots admitted to making mistakes in their line due to fatigue.
It’s important to know, that even though pilots are allowed to get some sleep during their flights, at least one pilot should be awake at ALL times. The copilot mode can be extremely useful, but someone should be there all the time, ready to prevent any kind of unexpected and dangerous situations.
2. Your food may have been cooked days before you consume it onboard
Unfortunately, the meals offered on the planes are, most of the time, reheated. Have you ever thought that there might be a chef hidden in the cabin, waiting to cook the best dishes for you? Well, that’s totally false. The ones responsible for your meals are the flight attendants. Just think for a second how many things they need to do while flying, and you’ll understand that there’s no chance of a recently cooked meal.
So, my advice would be to avoid eating on the plane, unless you are in a luxurious one that even offers you some slippers and a bed to sleep in. That falsely promoted “freshly prepared food” may have been cooked at least 12 hours before you consume it. Yummy.
3. The oxygens mask will only last around 15 minutes
Yes, you read that right! Unfortunately, in case of an unexpected situation, the oxygen masks drop off, extending the passengers’ life by about 15 minutes. It sounds scary, I know. But I’ve also got some good news! This time is usually enough for your pilot to guide the plane to an altitude at which supplementary oxygen isn’t necessary.
There is a trend going on TikTok with a thing called jelly-plane. Numerous flight attendants are trying to make the passengers remain calm and share insights from their lives as crew members. One of the secrets they shared is that there is a jelly theory and the plane can’t simply fall off the sky. So, the fear of falling into the unknown is not really explicable.
Also, they said that in case of an emergency, the passengers will most likely pass away before the plane arrives on the ground. So, the fear of the impact is also inexplicable. The oxygen plays a huge role when it comes to flying. Dropping off too fast from one altitude to another could simply kill everyone on board in just a few seconds.
4. The toilet is not the dirtiest place
Believe it or not, the location where passengers go to relieve themselves is far from the dirtiest on a plane. In 2025, a study found that two other locations on a plane had more pathogens. One of them is the seat back trays, where bacteria live happily because of the cleaning limitations. The second place is represented by the overhead vents.
Just think about this for a second: With over 150 passengers on each flight, it’s almost impossible to prevent germs from spreading.
5. Decompression dangers
As you already understand, rapid decompression is one of the most dangerous situations in aviation. So, even though these are extremely rare, a little crack in the airplane’s cabin could cause air to escape in just a few seconds and oxygen masks drop off.
In case something like this happens, the cabin crew will instruct you how to put the masks on. They will also guide you, and let you know which are the next steps you should take.
Photo generated via AI
6. The bending wings
Many people are afraid of the airplane’s “bending wings”, but in reality, there is nothing to worry about. The wings are designed to bend up to 90 degrees. This way, the airplane can maintain balance and easily handle turbulence.
Even though it can look unsettling, remember that this is a great feature, not a malfunction!
7. Bird strikes are real
Did you know that because of birds, airplanes are designed to be able to continue flying with an engine disabled? Even though the airports are doing their best to keep the birds away, there were situations where planes almost crashed because of a bird.
There’s a high risk of a bird colliding with a plane during takeoff and landing, and in some extreme situations, these kinds of strikes can lead to engine failure. So, you should stop worrying about the turbulence, and not underestimate the power of birds.
8. Cabin fires
It has been shown that passengers have about 90 seconds to escape a burning plane. This is a horror scenario, but also a rare one. However, it’s something that can’t be really avoided. Fires can start in various areas, including the kitchen or even the engine. Even though airplanes are equipped with firefighting equipment, a cabin fire is one of the most terrifying emergencies in aviation.
It is believed that sitting within five rows of an exit is the most strategic option.
Are you traveling anytime soon? Just try not to think about all these things you’ve recently discovered and you’ll surely be fine. On Amazon, you can find one of the most comfortable and high-quality neck pillows that will help you deal with the fear of flying. The pillow has a perfect curve shape design, this memory foam travel pillow can better fix your neck, prevent your head from falling forward, and relieve neck pain during travel.
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