7 Alcohol Myths You Still Believe — but Shouldn’t!

7 Myths About Alcohol You Need to STOP Believing

Alcohol has been in human lives for centuries, usually celebrated in social gatherings or religious ceremonies. But with its popularity and widespread consumption also comes misinformation. Some myths have been passed down through generations, influencing our drinking habits, and sometimes, even our health.

Have you ever heard someone saying that alcohol can warm you up on a cold day? Well, that’s what I am talking about. Even though many of these myths might sound logical, in reality, they aren’t and can lead to dangerous behaviors. It’s interesting how science has given us a clearer picture of alcohol’s effects on the body, but old beliefs continue to shape how we consume it.

One of the reasons why alcohol myths persist is that they often seem to make sense on the surface. For example, when someone drinks coffee after a night of heavy drinking and suddenly feels better and more alert, it’s understandable to think that can help them sober up. All these beliefs feel really logical, the problem is that science tells us otherwise. So, we should pay attention to our body’s needs and take better care of it.

Oh, and let’s admit it! Another reason why myths thrive is because people want to believe them. For someone who drinks every night, it’s comfortable to attach to the idea that red wine is good for the heart. It makes them feel better and less guilty.

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Are media and advertising shaping alcohol-related myths?

The answer is YES. The media and advertising play a significant role in shaping alcohol-related myths. Clever marketing strategies can easily influence public perception. Most commercials present alcohol as a harmless way to socialize and have fun and never highlight the risks of overconsumption. Unfortunately, these kinds of strategies are extremely successful, making people believe that there is nothing wrong with consuming alcohol frequently. And, basically, that is how dependency appears.

You should keep in mind that alcohol affects people differently based on a lot of factors, such as body weight, metabolism, and tolerance. So, listening to all those persuading advertising is not the best idea.

I might be able to drink several glasses without feeling much of an effect, while you might feel bad after just one drink. So, personal experiences are extremely important in the relationship each one of us has with alcohol.

Continue reading and let’s debunk together all those myths! 

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What you think you know about alcohol is wrong. Here are some of the most popular myths you should stop believing!

1. Drinking makes you feel good at parties

Isn’t this one of the biggest misconceptions? I’ve heard people saying a lot of times that they are drinking just to get up in the mood and feel better at a party. Well, in reality, alcohol is only motivating you to drink even more.

Even though many of us struggle with fatigue and excess stress, alcohol is not a saving solution to feel better. It’s true, that we often look to consume alcohol, especially at parties or on holidays to enhance our energy levels, but all alcohol does is interfere with normal brain activity. It shuts off executive functions like judgment and natural inhibitions.

2. A good beer before bed will help you sleep better

Alcohol shouldn’t be consumed before sleep, even if in the moment it feels like it’s helping. Doctors have studied what beer does to our bodies and it has been shown that it interrupts deep sleep, causes you to take up later on feeling bad and not rested.

Alcohol inhibits refreshing the rapid eye movement sleep and can cause nightmares and huge troubles in sleeping.

Keep in mind that no matter how you feel in the moment when you consume a beer, repeated alcohol use, especially before sleep, makes it extremely difficult to re-establish a normal sleep pattern; often leading to more drinking, or even worse, sedative abuse in the quest for sleep.

3. Coffee can sober you up

The typical solution to sober up fast is a strong cup of coffee. There is a common belief that caffeine can help you get rid of all those alcohol effects and feel more alert. I am sorry to disappoint you. In reality, it doesn’t work like that.

Alcohol is processed by your liver. So, it doesn’t matter how many cups of coffee you consume, your body is still going to need time to metabolize the alcohol.

Coffee might give you a caffeine boost and make you feel more awake, but it won’t help you sober up faster. So, next time you reach for a coffee after a long night, remember that it’s not the miracle solution it’s made out to be.

4. Drinking reduces stress and anxiety

We all know that many people start drinking when they face serious problems in their personal lives. After a long week at work or a hard time in the family, people may believe the myth that alcohol can calm them down. But even though alcohol can make you feel looser, the effects don’t last long. So, don’t fall into this trap. Alcohol may actually cause more anxiety the day after.

Not learning how to cope with your emotions properly will make you feel worse. Looking for a quick fix to resolve the pain shouldn’t be an option.

5. Alcohol only affects your liver

One of the most common myths is that alcohol only affects your liver. That’s totally false! The liver is the main organ responsible for metabolizing alcohol, but it doesn’t mean that’s the only one affected.

Drinking excessively can lead to serious damage to organs and, let’s just say that this myth is not taking into account the full impact alcohol can have on your health.

Even though excessive alcohol consumption is commonly linked to fatty liver, cirrhosis, and hepatitis, alcohol can also harm your heart and brain. The kidneys are also at risk. So, why would you try to convince yourself that the only affected organ is the liver?

Each time you consume alcohol you should be aware of its effects and risks on your body. Next time you pour a drink, be aware of the consequences and not limit it just to one organ. You need all of them to function properly.

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6. One glass of red wine a day is good for your health

We’ve all heard how important red wine is, am I right? Well, red wine indeed contains antioxidants like resveratrol, which is known for offering cardiovascular benefits, but the idea itself can be extremely misleading.

Studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, but it doesn’t mean that the best way to protect your heart is to drink a glass of wine daily. Whether you like it or not, you must admit that the benefits of red wine are overstated, and drinking alcohol regularly comes with risks. Don’t ignore them!

Keep in mind that for those who already have a healthy diet and lifestyle, a glass of wine may not make a significant difference. But if you have certain health conditions, or maybe a predisposition to addiction, you should strictly ignore excessive consumption!

7. If you have been drinking responsibly, you’re not going to become alcohol addicted

Everyone can become addicted, including yourself! It’s easy to believe that if you didn’t encounter any problems in the past you can safely drink as much as you want. This myth also overlooks the complexities of alcohol addiction and how it can develop.

You should keep in mind that addiction never follows clear patterns. Sometimes it’s not even about how much you drink… because some individuals can be more vulnerable to addiction due to genetic factors. Trust me when I say that even moderate drinking can easily turn into a stubborn dependency.

Alcohol is addictive and its effects on our brains can easily create dependence. So, be in control of your body and always drink responsibly! Be aware of the signs of addiction and understand when it’s time to stop.

Speaking of wine, here is a great wine refrigerator you should check out! Oh, don’t get me wrong! You don’t have to drink all of those bottles by yourself! But it is a great accessory for a living room, especially when you host parties or gatherings. You can thank me later.

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