10 Early Signs of Death

How Can You Tell When the End is Near? Early Death Symptoms Explained

Like it or not, death is an inevitable part of life, but it’s also one of the most uncomfortable topics to discuss. We all know it will come sooner or later, but it’s still hard to accept. Bodies never go from living to dying instantly. Even though no one can predict when a loved one will pass, some indicators show how the body begins to shut down. There are significant early signs we should take into consideration.

By learning more about the end of life, we can better understand the natural course of is, and become more comfortable during the final stages. At the end of the day, this is all part of a journey. So, let’s be courageous enough and face life with curiosity, not fear.

So, in this article, you’ll learn about some of the most common stages humans experience in their last moments of life. Knowing these signs can help comfort the dying person and even ease the anxiety of family members. But can we really prepare for something we don’t fully understand? The truth is that the body often gives us clues before the final moment arrives. Continue reading to find out more.

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10 Key Early Signs to Watch For

1. Loss of appetite

Usually, when someone is nearing the end of their life they will lose interest in eating. The body goes through some significant changes and no longer requires as much nourishment. The metabolism is decreasing when it prepares for death.

Most of the time, loss of appetite is accompanied by dehydration. So, the dying person could feel very thirsty and deal with dry mouth. It’s interesting that even though there is a clear need for hydration, they might even refuse to eat and drink.

Even though this stage is completely normal, the suffering person needs support. it’s important to support your loved one slow down any kind of physical activity. Besides the loss of appetite, the dying person might also have problems with swallowing.

If your loved one refuses to drink or eat, you should provide them comfort and make sure they have good oral hygiene. To keep their mouth moisturized, use a damp sponge.

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2. Confusion

As the body prepares for death, the brain also suffers changes and mental clarity can be seriously affected. Most of the people who are preparing to die are experiencing confusion. It manifests as difficulty in recognizing loved ones, confusion about date or time, or even hallucinations.

It’s not unusual for a person who is nearing death to experience distorted visions, so you need to stay calm use a confident tone, and remind the person of the time of the day, what is happening, and who is with them.

The metabolic changes in the brain affect the mental state. So, it’s usual for the person to struggle with memory. It’s true, that the signs could be overwhelming, but should be viewed as a natural part of the process.

3. Cold extremities

The body’s system slows done and the vital organs are making efforts to survive. All the blood flow is directed toward the heart, lungs, and brain, so the extremities might appear pale, as the circulation is significantly reduced.

This happens when the body is conserving energy and resources because all it does is focus on maintaining the essential functions of organs. It can be worrying and sometimes hard to handle, but we should know that it is considered a normal and common sign of death.

4. Changes in skin color

When we are in the last phase of life, our bodies slowly begin to shut down, so the circulation significantly decreases, are changes in skin color appear. In some cases, the skin can become pale, and in other cases, it can become purplish and fragile. When the shutting down process begins, the fingers, toes, and extremities are the most affected parts of the body.

These changes in skin color are completely normal and happen due to the body’s style of conserving energy by diverting blood toward vital organs. The skin may also feel cooler and have a strange appearance.

We all tend to be scared when we have to face such clear signals, but let’s not forget that they are typical in the final stages of life.

5. Withdrawal from social activities

Withdrawal is often an emotional or psychological coping mechanism, and it allows the person dying to reflect and prepare for the transition. When death is close, many individuals experience a desire to stay away from social activities and interactions.

This stage is very difficult, especially for family members, and it can be painful to witness. However, it’s extremely important to respect the dying person’s wishes and make them feel comfortable, no matter their choices.

6. Changes in breathing patterns

In the days before a person dies, breathing can become harder and harder. Unfortunately, there is almost nothing to do in this phase. A useful thing would be to help the suffering person find a position that makes breathing easier.

If the person who encounters breathing problems, doesn’t have other health issues, speaking with a doctor for advice is extremely important.

7. Decreased urine output

The kidneys are the first to decline when the body approaches its final stage. So, the produced urine might become darker, or the person may even stop urinating. It happens because the kidneys are no longer able to filter fluids properly, and the body begins to conserve water.

It can be a concerning sign, but it’s considered completely normal when the body is slowly but surely slowing down.

8. Sleeping more

A dying person is usually feeling very sleepy in the last days of life. So, the family members should make them comfortable and let them sleep. However, keep in mind that helping the suffering person to change position every 1-2 hours is extremely important.

Do you know what is the last sense a person loses? It’s the hearing. So, never stop talking. Speak calmly and assure the person in need that you are there for them.

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9. Increasing pain

Most of the time, it may be difficult for the dying person to manage the pain levels. Even though hearing a noise that sounds pained is never easy, there is not much we can do about it.

The discomfort before death is bigger for cancer or chronic illness patients. For example, one of the biggest discomforts felt by individuals with terminal illnesses is due to the progressive breakdown of tissues or pressure on vital organs.

Let’s say that one of the advantages of the final stages of life is that the intensity of pain is not constant. Usually, it fluctuates. So, the family members need to provide comfort measures to ensure that the dying person remains as comfortable as possible.

10. Loss of bowel control

As the body system loses functionality, the muscles responsible for controlling bowel movement weaken and usually stop functioning properly. So, the suffering person may have involuntary bowel movements and can experience the inability to signal the need to use the restroom.

The loss of bowel control can also have other causes, such as decreased blood flow. So, as the body conserves energy for the vital organs, the intestines usually stop functioning properly. In some cases, all these changes can lead to constipation, while in others, it leads to the inability to hold bowel movements.

This specific sign can be difficult to manage by the caregivers or family members, but it’s a common part of the dying process. It’s uncomfortable, but the suffering person is often not aware of these changes. Ensuring proper hygiene is extremely important, but emotional reassurance is the one that can ease the situation for both the dying person and their loved ones.

Before leaving, make sure to check out this great best-seller. It will change your perspective and help you imagine what life after death could look like. Sounds scary? Oh, it might be, but we’re all in this together.

Don’t hesitate to let us know about your experiences with death and share the grieving tips that worked the best in your case.

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