Did COVID-19 Escape From a Chinese Lab? 8 Theories Finally Debunked

What are the most common myths about COVID-19 that you’ve heard about? 

Back in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic started to slowly install itself into our lives, everybody was panicking. The virus was new and challenging, and the fact that there wasn’t a cure for it made everyone feel uneasy.

It’s become more and more important to clear up the disinformation that has been clouding our comprehension as the globe struggles to deal with the ongoing problems the virus has caused. That’s why in today’s article, we will try to unravel all the common myths about COVID-19 and “destroy” them one by one.

We hope that at the end of the article, you will have a much clearer vision of this horrible virus that reshaped our entire world in just a blink of an eye.

common myths about COVID-19
Photo by Lightspring from Shutterstock

1. “COVID-19 was initially created to be a biological weapon”

This is no doubt one of the most common myths about COVID-19 that has been around for quite some time since it all started. There was a common misunderstanding that COVID not only got out of a lab, but Chinese scientists deliberately designed it to be a biowarfare tool. According to various surveys, nearly three out of ten Americans “believe that COVID-19 was made in a lab,” either on purpose or by accident (the former view being more common, with 23% of the participants thinking it was created on purpose and just 6% thinking it was an error).

On the American political right, there is a particularly widespread belief that Chinese people somehow manufactured the virus. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is connected to Beijing’s clandestine bioweapons program, according to rumors that were initially reported in the Washington Examiner.

This information was brought to light by US Senator Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas who supports the claims. With genetic sequencing providing clear scientific proof that the SARS-CoV-2 virus originated naturally as a zoonotic virus that first infected bats, this myth is now easily debunked.

2. The virus broke from a facility in China

At least this one has the advantage of being credible. It is true that Wuhan, a city in China that served as the first core of the outbreak, is home to a virology institution where scientists have long studied bat coronaviruses.

One of these researchers, Shi Zhengli, was a well-known virologist who had spent years gathering bat excrement samples in caves and was a primary expert on the last SARS outbreak. She was so alarmed by the possibility that she hurriedly checked lab records for days in an attempt to determine whether something had gone wrong. She acknowledges feeling a “sigh of relief” upon learning through genetic sequencing that the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus did not like any of the viruses her team had sampled and examined at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Now, this is definitely one of those common myths about COVID-19 because a lot of people are starting to “plant” this idea in the population’s brain, making everybody believe the virus is a leak from the laboratory.

What do you think about this myth? Do you think it’s really a conspiracy theory? Tell us in the comments section. 

3. Vitamin supplements can cure COVID-19

There was a time when everybody thought that taking various mineral and vitamin supplements could cure the new virus strain. But after a lot of research, doctors proved that this was just one of those myths about COVID-19.

The truth is that vitamin supplements can boost our immune system and protect against the seasonal flu, but they can’t cure COVID-19 if you already have the disease. All you can do is treat it like any other flu, be hydrated, sleep as much as possible, and stay in touch with your doctor to update them on your status.

With so many myths about COVID-19 going on, it’s hard to make a difference between facts and fantasy. After 2020, a lot of books came out with misleading titles and a bunch of clickbait articles that did more harm than good to the population.

But after quite a bit of research, we at Science in the World concluded that only a few books are actually on point and ready to keep people updated about the situation. If you haven’t read it yet, I would like to recommend checking out The COVID-19 VACCINES & Beyond…: What the Medical Industrial Complex is NOT Telling Us in the Kindle edition for just $9.44. After reading it, I concluded that data is not the only topic in this book. It also recounts an extremely important tale that all Americans have a right to hear.

4. If you get COVID-19 once, you’re immune

…Erm no! Definitely, this is one of the biggest myths about COVID-19. Based on their research, scientists have shown that COVID-19 may infect an individual more than once. More research is needed to determine who is more susceptible to contracting the illness again, how frequently it occurs, and how likely it is for you to become sick again. You should still take care of yourself, get vaccinated if you choose to, and make sure your body is getting the vitamins and nutrients it needs, even if you have had COVID-19.

5. Blaming 5G

Do you remember that time when everybody believed the rumors that 5G networks were to blame for the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus? Even some cellphone towers were being set on fire after people thought they were dangerous.

The biological impossibility of viruses using electromagnetic waves for propagation makes this conspiracy idea easily debunked. Whereas the former are biological particles made up of proteins and nucleic acids, the latter are waves or photons.

The fast spread of 5G networks coincided with the epidemic, but that isn’t really the issue; conspiracy theories are appealing because they frequently connect two events that at first glance could seem to be connected.

myths about COVID-19
Photo by Maridav from Shutterstock

6. Masks can protect you from contracting the virus

One of those myths about COVID-19 that everybody used to believe back in the day was that masks made us “immune” from the virus. It is true that while fabric and disposable masks may block droplets, they cannot block aerosolized particles. While they don’t completely protect people, masks do help restrict the virus’s spread.

7. COVID-19 vaccines affect fertility or threaten pregnancy

Among the common myths about COVID-19, this one stands very high on top! A lot of women who were planning to get pregnant were scared to do the vaccine because there were rumors that it might affect pregnancy and fertility overall.

But this particular myth was debunked pretty quickly because, according to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, the COVID-19 vaccination is highly advised for anyone contemplating or already pregnant.

Moreover, if a pregnant person is not vaccinated against COVID-19 at the time of infection, they run a very high risk of sickness, death, or miscarriage.

8. COVID-19 doesn’t exist, and it’s just a plot from the government to take our freedom

Last but not least, because the list of all the myths about COVID-19 is very long, this is probably the funniest. Expert conspiracy theorists like InfoWars’ Alex Jones and David Icke argue that COVID-19 is a plan by the globalist elite to restrict our liberties rather than a real disease.

What’s your opinion regarding all these myths about COVID-19? How do you feel about them? Let’s move the discussion further into the comments section.

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One Response

  1. We are way to ignorant about basic science here in America. Sad to see so many are foolish enough to propagate such nonsense.