8 Good Things Smoking Does to Your Body

Is There a Hidden Reason Why People Keep Smoking?

We all know the risks of smoking: lung cancer, heart disease, and a lot of other serious health issues. But why do we never really speak about its benefits? Life is rarely black and white; everything has shades of gray. And when it comes to smoking, it feels like we are purposely ignoring them.

How can something so harmful to our bodies bring us so much pleasure? Well, while the dangers of smoking are well-documented, we are happy to let you know that there are some surprising, most of the time overlooked, benefits. Are you curious which these are? Continue reading…

Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your health. So, before getting into the benefits, keep in mind that they don’t outweigh the risks, of course, but they offer us a different perspective on why people smoke and why quitting can be extremely difficult.

There aren’t reasons to start smoking or excuses to keep smoking, but let’s have a little bit of fun while exploring why there are so many smokers around the world, even though it’s an extremely condemned habit.

Image by fongbeerredhot from Shutterstock

8 Good things about smoking

1. Stress relief

One of the most common reasons why people smoke and struggle to quit smoking is stress relief. The active ingredient in cigarettes, called Nicotine, stimulates the release of dopamine in the brain. This way, a feeling of relaxation and calm is produced each time a person smokes. For most of the smokers, a cigarette represents a moment of peace in a busy and overwhelming day. The act of smoking can feel like taking a break. While focusing on the inhaling and exhaling, we provide a mental reset.

Don’t get us wrong! There are countless other ways to cope with stress, but the immediate relief provided by cigarettes is one of the reasons why smoking can be so addictive.

Don’t forget that each moment of peace comes with significant long-term risks!

2. Social bonding

We all know that smoking is a social activity that allows people to connect and bond. It’s interesting how it works with friends, but it also works with strangers. The smoking area becomes a hub for informal chats in many public places. For some, the shared experience of smoking creates a sense of belonging and mutual understanding.

Clearly, there are a lot more fun ways to build social connections, but smoking remains an overlooked ritual that brings people together. It has a high significance, and it represents the beginning of a lot of relationships. Have you ever met someone in a smoking area? You surely did. Feel free to share your experience as a smoker with us. Tell us how this habit influences your social life.

Image by Animation Mama from Shutterstock

3. Routine

Many smokers start their mornings with a cup of coffee and a cigarette break. They need to boost their energy levels before starting the day, and even though it’s extremely unhealthy, most people can’t function properly without their ritual. However, it doesn’t really matter what the time of the day is; a cigarette can offer a sense of calm and stability at any time.

Just think about having to change your daily routines completely… and you’ll understand a little bit of what smokers experience when they try to quit this unhealthy habit. Unfortunately, it’s harder than it seems for them, and we should cheer up the ones who can really stop it.

4. Improved mood

Imagine taking breaks during the day to reconnect with yourself and boost your energy level for the next tasks you need to accomplish. Smokers feel instantly better when they can benefit from some dopamine. Studies have shown that the release of this substance and other feel-good chemicals in the brain can provide a temporary boost in mood. Imagine having a break at work with one of your smoker friends. They will instantly feel better, while you’ll have to face your emotions. Ha, ha!

Even though this effect is short-lived, it still leads to dependency, and smokers need to smoke to maintain their mood.

Long-term effects shouldn’t be neglected! The brain becomes less responsive to natural mood-enhancing activities, so it becomes almost impossible to feel good without a cigarette.

5. Enhanced alertness

Have you ever heard someone say they must smoke a cigarette to stay awake? Well, nicotine’s stimulant effects can significantly improve reaction time. So, many smokers use this trick when they need to stay focused, during a long drive or a late-night work session. The boost of energy can be helpful in the short term, but it’s not the best solution for your overall health.

Over time, the body can become reliant on nicotine to maintain alertness, making it difficult to stay focused without smoking.

The truth is that no matter how hard we try to see the good in this habit, we have to admit that there are significant reasons why everyone should quit smoking. It shouldn’t be considered normal, especially because of the diseases it can cause. However, we are now doing an exercise and trying to see the good parts in it.

Like it or not, there are millions of smokers all around the world, and the majority don’t have lung cancer. However, it doesn’t mean that it can’t happen to develop serious health issues.

6. Productivity

Smokers can boost their productivity by taking breaks throughout the day. They use these breaks to consider new ideas, projects, or even their next task. Because of their constant need for nicotine, smokers have the chance to pause everything and think about their next move. People who don’t smoke are usually not organized enough to take planned breaks, so they end up being overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done.

Are you a smoker? If so, tell us how you feel after taking your well-deserved break. Is smoking the key to success?

Image by PeopleImages.com – Yuri A from Shutterstock

7. Cultural significance

In many cultures, smoking has a deep historical significance. For example, tobacco is used in a ceremonial way in Native American traditions. Or… think about the image of a French intellectual with a cigarette. Smoking played an important role in human history. For some, smoking is a way to connect with their cultural heritage. So, even though the negative effects of smoking are obvious, the cultural significance of tobacco shouldn’t be overlooked.

Are you interested in learning more about it? If so, let us know, and we’ll ensure that the next articles satisfy your wishes.

8. Personal identity

Last but not least, let’s talk about personal identity. We all have some people in our lives who we can NOT imagine without a cigarette in their hand. For them, smoking became a way to express themselves or connect with a particular subculture. So, no matter if it’s the image of the rugged cowboy, smoking has been romanticized in literature, film, and art over the years. For some, giving up smoking feels like losing a part of themselves.

Finally, if you are a smoker, please weigh these benefits against the serious health risks and consider the best alternative for yourself. Don’t forget that health should come first. If you are not a smoker, this article represents for you a way of better understanding the people who can’t quit smoking and comply about how hard it is. It really is! So, remember what you just read the next time you hear someone trying but failing to quit.

Do you want to quit smoking but don’t know where to start? Here are some nicotine patches that can be found on Amazon. With Extended Release SmartControl Technology, these NicoDerm patches deliver a steady flow of therapeutic nicotine all day long. Use Step 1 nicotine patch a day for the first six weeks of a 10-week quit program.

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