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These 7 Frightening Things Might Actually End the World, Scientists Say

end the world
Photo by Stokkete from Shutterstock

2. Robots taking over the world

Technology helped us in so many ways; that’s why there is doubt it helped us get so far. But at what cost? A lot of video games and movies depict various scenarios in which androids will end the world, and none of them is a happy one. But realistically speaking, there is no chance that AI will become malevolent.

Scientists estimate that by 2050, there is a 50% possibility that artificial intelligence (AI) will be as good as or better than humans in performing the majority of activities that humans do now. Maybe AI will not end the world; putting AI weapons in the hands of the wrong individuals will.

What is your opinion about this topic? Do you think we will be able to live peacefully with robots and artificial intelligence? Tell us in the comments section.

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7 Responses

  1. Yes, the threat to humans of global warming is real, but there is another, related but opposite threat, to wit, global cooling. This could be caused by climate engineering to reduce global warming. There are already a number of companies working on various technologies to ameliorate warming. If one or more of these technologies are implemented with-out appropriate restraint and direction, disaster could befall us.

    Another threat, not to life, but to technology, is satellite debris. As space junk accumulates, the possibility of it smashing into the myriad satellites already in similar orbits increases. These smashed-into satellites could become more caroming debris, set off a chain reaction that could wipe out the satellites and the numerous systems dependent on them.

  2. Not being scientifically educated this scares me to death. Hope we can find solutions. I know we can’t last forever.

  3. In 100 million years any of those scenereos would not be visible on the lush green earth that an alien could visit. Only the Asteroid, if large enough could completely remove 100% of life from the planet.

  4. Disasters and crisis. the manmade ones are preventable by removing the corrupt politicians that only see to expand their wealth and power. Where once we had statesmen who served the people we now have power hungry who want only rule. Claiming that only government can save us from destruction. yet destruction is the norm under their administrations. When have we ever seen our government or any government build anything that lasts or even on budget. They enrich their supporters and relatives using our ( INVESTMENTS) Taxes. billions left unaccounted for. yet when asked about them display get hurt feelings that we the people should even ask accountability. and refuse to prosecute when proven fraud and deceit. We can avoid these crisis. The ones by nature, not so much!–I, Grampa

  5. No matter what man does, he can not completely destroy the earth. He might damage it some, but only God will destroy it and it says that in Revelation He is going to destroy the earth with fire. It has to be fire as we have too much disease, trash, and old cars to do anything else. God is not going to destroy the earth until He is ready. When I look around and see all the paper, glass, and old cars it breaks my heart that we have people who have not done a better job with the earth God created.

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