Frequent illness
Water helps flush toxins, waste, and bacteria from the body to fight disease and infection, but it also strengthens your immune system, so you’ll get sick a lot less. However, if it seems as if you are constantly getting sick, you might have to start drinking more water so you can keep your body free of toxins and function properly.
As a lack of water could also cause fatigue, you might tend to be less physically active, which constitutes another risk factor for weakened immunity.
Water enhances proper digestion and regular bowel movements because it keeps your stool soft and moves it easily through the digestive tract. But if you stop drinking water, your body might start pulling water from your stool so it can properly compensate for fluid loss.
Ultimately, this could lead to a harder and firmer stool, which is way more difficult to pass. If your bowel movements are always infrequent, the best thing you can do is start drinking more water. It will be 100% efficient in loosening your stools and relieving constipation and bloating.
5 Responses
Dehydration can lower blood pressure, which is why some blood pressure meds are diuretics.
Very good article. I have kidney problems and need a lot of water every day.
Great information!!! Thank you so very much! Samuella clarett
This can be true. I know this first hand. Pun on fact
I know this first hand. Too much sugar lead to yeast infection.Also