Decreased urination
When your body is dehydrated, many things happen. For instance, your kidneys retain a lot of fluid because they are wired to become darker in color, much stronger in odor, and overall cloudier in appearance. You could also face a higher risk of urinary tract infection, especially if your body lacks the water needed to flush out toxins and bacteria.
You can tell whether or not you’re drinking enough when you start urinating more. If the urine is much clearer, lighter in color, and has no odor, you will know it’s better.
Click on the next page to discover other things that happen when you STOP drinking water!
5 Responses
Dehydration can lower blood pressure, which is why some blood pressure meds are diuretics.
Very good article. I have kidney problems and need a lot of water every day.
Great information!!! Thank you so very much! Samuella clarett
This can be true. I know this first hand. Pun on fact
I know this first hand. Too much sugar lead to yeast infection.Also