These 7 Frightening Things Might Actually End the World, Scientists Say

end of the world
Photo by Vadim Sadovski from Shutterstock

Who or what will end the world as we know it? Will be sooner than expected? 

When did nuclear war seem so unlikely to happen? Seems like a million years ago and the fact that it no longer does demonstrates how swiftly dangers to humankind may evolve and how crucial it is to take everything seriously.

Chemical warfare, asteroid collisions, supervolcanic eruptions, and the impending consequences of climate change pose a danger to anything from the fall of civilizations to the extinction of humans.

Now, with these dangers in mind, we can easily picture something similar to what happened in the Mad Max franchise and fantasize about how bad it will be. But no more of this; let’s start with the number one threat that can easily end the world as we know it, according to scientists:

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54 Responses

  1. Yes, the threat to humans of global warming is real, but there is another, related but opposite threat, to wit, global cooling. This could be caused by climate engineering to reduce global warming. There are already a number of companies working on various technologies to ameliorate warming. If one or more of these technologies are implemented with-out appropriate restraint and direction, disaster could befall us.

    Another threat, not to life, but to technology, is satellite debris. As space junk accumulates, the possibility of it smashing into the myriad satellites already in similar orbits increases. These smashed-into satellites could become more caroming debris, set off a chain reaction that could wipe out the satellites and the numerous systems dependent on them.

  2. Not being scientifically educated this scares me to death. Hope we can find solutions. I know we can’t last forever.

    1. You can rust the science, but not the scientists who interpret it. Jesus repeatedly told us not to fear. What will come will come cannot be stopped unless by divine intervention, but He has overcome your fears.

      1. From where I sit, he has done nothing, including fail to demonstrate an iota of reality. But people like you sure have! Twisting history, lying through your teeth! This is the Trump (new) model… the Hitler model… lie lie lie!!! So many people of simple minds grab on and even after 2,000 years still robotically repeat the mantra. Fake, fraud, phony!!! Stop lying, get a job.

  3. In 100 million years any of those scenereos would not be visible on the lush green earth that an alien could visit. Only the Asteroid, if large enough could completely remove 100% of life from the planet.

  4. Disasters and crisis. the manmade ones are preventable by removing the corrupt politicians that only see to expand their wealth and power. Where once we had statesmen who served the people we now have power hungry who want only rule. Claiming that only government can save us from destruction. yet destruction is the norm under their administrations. When have we ever seen our government or any government build anything that lasts or even on budget. They enrich their supporters and relatives using our ( INVESTMENTS) Taxes. billions left unaccounted for. yet when asked about them display get hurt feelings that we the people should even ask accountability. and refuse to prosecute when proven fraud and deceit. We can avoid these crisis. The ones by nature, not so much!–I, Grampa

    1. Hi, everything you have said is true. I guess we have more common sense coming from the old school of I am a senior citizen. I never in my lifetime. Have I ever dreamt of such a mess. We have a president was mentally incompetent and they kept overlooking it Green energy administration especially Biden was pushing is insane. Harris is telling us the solution is reduce the population. Why did they invite 10 people to come here? These people have no common sense. If you don’t have enough to take care of your own people you can’t bring all these other people in . Everything is just so unreasonable. Well, I guess we will have to see what happens in November.

  5. No matter what man does, he can not completely destroy the earth. He might damage it some, but only God will destroy it and it says that in Revelation He is going to destroy the earth with fire. It has to be fire as we have too much disease, trash, and old cars to do anything else. God is not going to destroy the earth until He is ready. When I look around and see all the paper, glass, and old cars it breaks my heart that we have people who have not done a better job with the earth God created.

      1. Do you desire to be one of those 6 billion or so that gets dispatched from this earth? What criteria will people use to get rid of all the undesirables, of which you will certainly not be one?

    1. And plastic. In my opinion plastic is the worse of all. Plastic is used for everything we produce on earth yet it cannot be broken down. Maybe some of our tax dollars can be used for research on a biodegradable plastic. Ummm

  6. Nothing dies in nature including Human it only change shape Total energy in universe remain same by Grace of Divine or call it God if you believe there is one I gues we all created in HIS image even Animal that is reason Hindu worship image of Monkey Elephant etc
    We are to safeguard weak and who deserve our protection

  7. I really don’t care about the survival of humanity. In many ways, I think we deserve it. But I do feel sorry for other forms of life who might be rendered extinct because of some catastrophe.

  8. I really don’t care about the survival of humanity. In many ways, I think we deserve it. But I do feel sorry for other forms of life who might be rendered extinct because of some catastrophe.

  9. The world will end when God says enough of evil. Until then by the grace of God we live for the future not in fear but for a better life for our grandchildren. Jesus is my Lord and Savior and he has rescued me time after time. I am in my twilight years and know that fear is an evil mindset. Have courage each day with Jesus in your heart. Leave a sinful life when he calls to you daily, We can overcome all these possibilities like we did as prognosticated many times: Devastating earthquakes, Rising sea levels, Malthusian Theory we will starve, Nuclear war is eminent, Ice Age, run out of energy (Oil), wars and more wars, pestulence, and untold numbers of warnings. God Bless you and loved ones.

  10. I’m a “climate change denier”. Climate change is mostly political and pushed by the anti-capitalists. Granted, climate has been changing for millions of years, but just take a look at what’s been happening. We’ve worked on pollution control. EVs are not the answer.
    Unfortunately, we gave up on nuclear energy.

    I’m a meteorologist and climatology is a large part of meteorology even though its statistical.

    1. I agree. It’s just the latest political scare tactic. But you of all people know more about this than anyone!

  11. Give me A I over the politicians who may be running the country soon
    i assume they will make logical and practical decisions
    Global warming could eventually kill us off and robots will be immune
    to it and we will have an earth with all robots..Yeah!

  12. The reason the wealthy continue buying homes on the ocean is because they know the ocean level will not rise. No matter how much water is added. Sea level is not level. The Atlantic is higher in the center than the Pacific. The Mid Ocean Ridge in the Atlantic has much more density and draws more water to itself than the low density of the Pacific. The shorelines of the oceans will never overflow the land masses. hence the scientific reason for the biblical scripture where God promised to Noah that He would never again flood the Earth.

  13. Actually “End the World” is a misnomer, frequently abused and often deliberately confusing. The entire purpose of using the “Science” authority, is to hide the political desperation of fearmongering the public. It is easy to identify the double dipping hype used by digital media, to link false threats and misinformation, to detract people’s attention to simple solutions and available answers. For example; The Climate hoax is used to justify crushing the economy and generating International Conflict. Can you honestly expect Artificial Intelligence to provide solutions ?

    1. The only solution it to believe Christ died for our sins, to repent, and spread God’s word. After people hear the way, the rest is free will. Humankind is doomed because of their greedy choices

  14. None of these thing are the end of the earth. Just the end of the human race. Meh.
    The earth will be fine without us. Likely better off.

  15. I am amazed when people bring superstition into the equation. We are talking about nature and science, not religion, for which there has never been any evidence, only wishful thinking. Judaism (in which one has to lump Christianity and Islam) has been around for 0.00000064 % of our planet’s lifetime. The issue is that one destructive species, which shares DNA with millions of other species, is now threatening life on earth through anthropogenic climate change and we are not taking the threat seriously enough. We are selfish and leaving our descendants to sort out the mess.

  16. Unfortunately, Science has been replaced with Politics and Greed. He who donates the most money gets the scientific results. It is presented with spread sheets, statistics, and numbers in a language only the researcher understands and becomes their gospel of truth. Sad world we have become. A nation of obese, lazy, self centered dreamers entertained by electronic devises that give biased information. No one is willing to give up there mechanical devices of transportation that rely on fossil fuel or electrical propulsion, but are telling others to give up theirs. The, ” not in my background syndrome, but yours”. We reduce pollution here and send it to China where massive amounts of carbon is produced and does absolutely nothing to reduce carbon emissions and ask for money to fix it.. Globalists telling us to send more money to fix the problem, but know if they fix the problem, it is the end of their wealth. They convince you have 1.5 to 2.5 children and import millions of aliens that don’t believe in birth control don’t even have enough knowledge to understand Climate Change. They just want to feed and house their families and the price is people control, not climate control. When everyone wakes up from the pink cloud dream and applies the God given tools, we might have a chance. Put Science back into Science , and keep Politics out.

  17. Your article states
    “But realistically speaking, there is no chance that AI will become malevolent” Not only do I completely disagree, but I believe it will happen by 2050,
    Perhaps sooner than later.

  18. I think we passed the tipping point back in 1995 when the Larsen Ice sheet started collapsing. I think the last time we had this much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was during the Oligocene. We should have spent the last 29 years collecting fossil plant specimens from that time period and mapping out the climate information for reference by the agricultural, forestry, and insurance sectors, but we didn’t. We waisted time arguing about whether climate change was real or not.

  19. AI development is dependent on silicon chips and and human made infrastructure. The world’s supply of high quality silicon Spruce Pine, North Carolina got flooded out during hurricane Helene. It will take at least six months to get the mine operational again. I expect a lot of system breakdowns before then. Much of the developed world is facing demographic collapse. I suspect that our ability to repair and maintain AI systems will runout by 2030 if not sooner.

  20. NASA has mapped the current population of asteroids that might impact the earth, but asteroids bump into each other quite often in the asteroid belt region and anyone of them could come hurling towards the planet in a matter of months to wipe out everything you know and love. So don’t get too warm and fuzzy over the mapping projects. NASA knows this but fails to tell you because they don’t want you to think they aren’t doing their job or you might not want politicians to spend more money on other projects that are useless also. Since the 1970’s, NASA has done little to improve their space programs and now rely on Musk to get them back and forth from space. Not necessarily a bad thing but still with the bills being poured into NASA we expect more.

  21. …I didn’t even click to the next page. As soon as the words “Climate Change” were mentioned…I knew this was a propaganda piece. Sadly, there might have been some interesting nuggets of information about real challenges to the earth, but in truth, the lies of climate change are not on that list. Somehow, I bet that most of the article focuses on the alleged climate change…the real cash cow for globalist pimps who sell their soul for the Big Lie and lots of cash. For a magazine called Science in The World….it is embarrassing that you would include the topic in your article.

  22. If you want to know how this world ends read the last book of the Bible called “Revelation” There is a lot of symbolism . But, you can see everything from climate change, nuclear war, asteriods falling from the skies, diseases and plagues, and worldwide war. But don’t forget to read the last chapters of the book that give us hope.

  23. When are you people going to come to the truth and see that all this has been prophesized in the Bible long ago. We are on precipice of self destruction not because we have poor environmental laws, but because we have rejected God. And this is the punishment. Just like the global flood that started a new generation of Godly living people.

  24. These seven items have been in the minds of scientists for years — I studied then in school and read much about them. Two things that drive fear reporting and scare science are: the belief that the world and universe are millions/billions of years old. True science and archeology prove otherwise. The second is the belief that there is global warming. I know and talked to one of the men who traveled the world gathering temps and info for the study of global warming. He reported temps increasing but he knew the reporting was falsified. Many places do not keep rewords of temperatures and so they averaged the temperatures for a couple days then increased it to make it look like the globe was slowly warming. If they did not do this then the government would withhold government finances from the university he represented. He, and many others, are retired now and have been speaking out. However, the liberal and ignorant media does not give them a platform. But since many have spoken out the doomsday criers have mostly changed their mantra to “climate change”. If you desire more comments my email is listed .

  25. Hate to break it most people but AI won’t save you. It takes a collective effort and of a mind dedicated to the human race as a single species that needs to work out our problems and needs and to create scenarios if such matters arise. All we are now is technologically advanced Neanderthals.

  26. Not worried about the end of the Earth.
    1) 7 year tribulation
    2) 1,000 year reign of Christ

    Just read the Book of revelations!

  27. We can only hope that if war does come that level headed people will know better to not press the button. Obviously there would be no winners. What heads of state should be doing is coming together for the good of all earth’s citizens and help one another weather it be technology water food medicine ect ect there should be No need for wars it’s Rediculious this day and age bottom line there will be NO winners once 1 nuke is released then all nukes would be released then POOF no more humans or for that matter Anything!!

  28. I don’t think we will be able to live peacefully with AI and robots. People don’t like the idea of others taking their jobs. I know no one will like the idea of AI and robots taking over. How will people survive? How will they support their families? Even in our country now there will be cuts in social services and medical. Robots are not human and they make mistakes. I have heard of a case where a robot killed a man on a job. How do you rule this? They don’t go to jail. elaine