Top 8 Most Intelligent Animals, According to Science

Photo by lukaszemanphoto from Shutterstock

5. Orangutans

Orangutans are another living relative of humans with incredible brains, making them one of the most intelligent animals in the world. Among their abilities is the one that allows them to “talk” about the past, a behavior only seen in humans.

In 2018, scientists reported that Sumatran orangutans with infants held up making an alarm call for up to 15 minutes after seeing a potential predator. Experts pointed out that the apes didn’t want to draw the predator’s attention but later made the noise to teach their babies that coming across such an animal is dangerous.

Much like chimps, orangutans are able to learn sign language, use tools, and have complex social structures that involve rituals. What really makes them stand out among other animals is their cognitive ability to understand the reasoning behind a certain action.

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