Top 8 Most Intelligent Animals, According to Science

Photo by Lelusy from Shutterstock

4. Dogs

We all know that dogs are some of the most intelligent animals that exist. But let’s see what the science has to say.

In 2017, researchers discovered that, compared to cats, dogs have twice the number of neurons in their cerebral cortexes, which should give them a cognitive advantage. This confirms reports that dogs are easier to train.

Just like humans, each dog is different. While experts are working hard to collect data about the way our canine companions experience the world, it’s important to remember that their findings don’t necessarily give us a blueprint for our particular pets.

What’s interesting about dogs is that they can be trained to perform tasks that people are incapable of, such as hearing heart abnormalities and sensing impending seizures. Moreover, the best dog breeds can solve problems, learn human language, and recall cause-and-effect relationships.


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