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5 Vaccines Retired Due to Tragic Consequences

Photo by Mongkolchon Akesin from Shutterstock

How is a vaccine recall communicated?

In many cases, you would likely hear from your doctor if a vaccine administered to you is recalled. When dangerous vaccines are removed from the market and have been widely distributed, the news media often reports on the withdrawal.

However, not all recalls are announced in the media, but you should know that all recalls are listed in the FDA’s Enforcement Reports, which you can find on the agency’s website.

If you want to learn more about vaccines and how they can save lives, here’s a book you may want to read.

What do I do if a vaccine is recalled?

In most cases, the person who received a vaccine that’s eventually recalled will not need to do anything. When a vaccine withdrawal is due to low vaccine strength or potency, the dangerous vaccines from the lot might not generate an immune response that is strong enough to fight off or protect against disease.

People who received the vaccine from the lot might need to get the shot again to make sure they are protected against the disease.

On the other hand, when the recall has something to do with a possible safety concern, people who received the vaccine should be aware of their reaction to the shot and talk to their medical provider if they have any concerns that they may be experiencing side effects.

If you liked our article on dangerous vaccines that were removed from the market, you may also want to read Millions of People Took These 9 Prescription Drugs That Were Later Pulled From the Market.

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