Muscle cramps
Well, excessive sweating could ultimately lead to dehydration. If your body doesn’t get the water it needs to produce more sweat, it could lead to muscle aches. Here’s the catch: our body sweats to cool itself, so when you stop drinking water, everything goes south. If you are present in a hot environment and you are also dehydrated, then that heat will affect your muscles, which will ultimately cause severe muscle cramps.
High blood pressure
As you become increasingly dehydrated, all that water concentration in your blood starts to decrease, which makes your blood thicker. Naturally, it makes it much harder for your heart to plump and circulate thicker blood through your system, and that’s why it goes into overdrive, which ultimately results in increased blood pressure.
Not only that, but the body produces more cholesterol. You might wonder why—well, it keeps the cell membranes moist, but the whole ordeal increases your cholesterol levels, which isn’t healthy.
5 Responses
Dehydration can lower blood pressure, which is why some blood pressure meds are diuretics.
Very good article. I have kidney problems and need a lot of water every day.
Great information!!! Thank you so very much! Samuella clarett
This can be true. I know this first hand. Pun on fact
I know this first hand. Too much sugar lead to yeast infection.Also