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5 Common Reasons Why Women Lie, According to Science

women lie
Image By PRPicturesProduction From Shutterstock

5. Women lie to pretend that everything is okay.

Example: “I work amazingly under pressure; the anxiety motivates me.”

This is obviously a lie, but many women have gotten very good at saying this to others and themselves, so as to not recognize the fact that they are struggling. This has been observed in studies as a fear that women have to be perceived by others as ineffective, not efficient, or struggling.

The picture-perfect woman that society strives to create is not attainable, but many women grow with the idea that they should strive to be one. This oftentimes leads women to lie in order to cover up any unhappiness they may feel or struggles because they are scared they will attract stigma or judgment from those around them.

Mental health struggles are the ones most commonly hidden by these types of lies.

Yet, women lie in order to pretend that everything is okay due to extreme social conditioning; society expects women to manage difficult times with grace without showing any cracks in front of stress or any imperfections.

In the end, everybody lies! Yet, if you want to know more about lying from a neuroscience perspective, make sure you check out this book on the matter: Lying by Sam Harris.

Women are extraordinary, and they do not lie more than men. It is good to not only focus on things we do not like about someone but not generalize. In women’s cases, more often than not, the world (including the scientific world) forgets their wonderful achievements! Women made these important inventions, and many do not even know!

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5 Responses

  1. everyone lies two to three times a day? I hope not I know I am sure I have lied in my life but fact is I am almost always 100% truthful and I would guess most other people are. I just cannot see anyone who is telling a lie 2 or 3 times a day.

    1. It’s 3:33 pm here and I have lied one time today. I woke up late for work and ran out the door I called my guys and they were like are you just leaving now? I said no I forgot my phone…
      Now I really did forget my phone but relized that as soon as I pulled out of the driveway. Normally I’m honest I just didn’t want to get a hard time when I got on site

  2. Everyone either lies or stretches the truth or exaggerates atleast daily! I might not tell a actually “Lie” on a regular basis, but I sure do stretch the truth sometimes and or exagerate.! I’m not even lying 🤣😂

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