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5 Common Reasons Why Women Lie, According to Science

women lie
Image By MilanMarkovic78 From Shutterstock

2. Women lie to appease someone else’s feelings.

Lie example: “Don’t worry, I am not too tired to cook tonight. I’d love to.”

One study revealed that female participants would end up lying when they were trying to help someone else. But they are not as hasty to lie when it comes to trying to meet their own needs.

This is not always done out of selflessness but also due to the social conditioning that is done to girls when they are young; they are often encouraged to think about others, to not create a fuss, and to be the better person, which creates pressure to be perfect.

This is where the idea of being a “perfect wife and mother” stems from, as women are encouraged time and time again to tend to others first and, in the end, to themselves.

Thus, women lie to keep the peace or to keep up the appearance that nothing is wrong, even if they are not as pleased or enthusiastic to do something they said they would do. It is often why you can remember your mom eating last or putting off resting until everything and everyone else was okay.

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5 Responses

  1. everyone lies two to three times a day? I hope not I know I am sure I have lied in my life but fact is I am almost always 100% truthful and I would guess most other people are. I just cannot see anyone who is telling a lie 2 or 3 times a day.

    1. It’s 3:33 pm here and I have lied one time today. I woke up late for work and ran out the door I called my guys and they were like are you just leaving now? I said no I forgot my phone…
      Now I really did forget my phone but relized that as soon as I pulled out of the driveway. Normally I’m honest I just didn’t want to get a hard time when I got on site

  2. Everyone either lies or stretches the truth or exaggerates atleast daily! I might not tell a actually “Lie” on a regular basis, but I sure do stretch the truth sometimes and or exagerate.! I’m not even lying 🤣😂

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