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5 Common Reasons Why Women Lie, According to Science

women lie
Image By Chay_Tee From Shutterstock

3. Women lie out of compassion.

Lie example: “Oh, no! The dinner was great, really tasty.”

The idea of compassionate lying is one that our society has a hard time adjusting to. This is because not everyone can grasp the idea that you would lie to spare someone’s feelings and are trying your best to not make someone else feel bad.

This type of lying ties in with our previous one, but it is more so done with the specific reason of not making someone else feel bad.

Research on this particular type of lying has shown that women are more likely to lie for someone’s benefit than men are.

It suggests the idea that this stems from empathy and that women are more empathetic and careful of others’ feelings.

The compassionate lie is not bred out of a desire to create platitude but rather out of kindness and a desire to support the other person.

Yet, it can also come from a place of wanting to avoid the conflict of being honest, as in when women lie and tell a friend or acquaintance that their cooking or baking was good, even when it was not.

Women lie out of not wanting to upset others, especially when it comes to those close to them.

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5 Responses

  1. everyone lies two to three times a day? I hope not I know I am sure I have lied in my life but fact is I am almost always 100% truthful and I would guess most other people are. I just cannot see anyone who is telling a lie 2 or 3 times a day.

    1. It’s 3:33 pm here and I have lied one time today. I woke up late for work and ran out the door I called my guys and they were like are you just leaving now? I said no I forgot my phone…
      Now I really did forget my phone but relized that as soon as I pulled out of the driveway. Normally I’m honest I just didn’t want to get a hard time when I got on site

  2. Everyone either lies or stretches the truth or exaggerates atleast daily! I might not tell a actually “Lie” on a regular basis, but I sure do stretch the truth sometimes and or exagerate.! I’m not even lying 🤣😂

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